Ivan-tea power

Doctors usually advise patients, Ivan-the power of tea, encourage, and strengthen him. The cause of sexual weakness or impotence problems with factors such as urology, stress, physical injury, problems endocrine system. Constant stress, environmental standards, products, alcohol drinks and cigarettes an inevitable path to sexual weakness in men.


This is a less active sexual life men of 50-60 years. For this reason, doctors follow the advice of an endocrinologist metabolism and encourage him. Representatives can be an invaluable help in this respect, fauna, plants, stimulants, for example, Ivan-tea "tea" is usually called for men.

Botanical description

This delegate has a name in the world of science angustifolia Fireweed fauna. Though there are the names of the plant such as, "the cobbler", "Fireman", "Bread", due to leaf shape, he put it the name of "Willow-Herb", "Willow-Herb". Annual plant belongs to the healing herbs. The grass height reaches 50 cm to 2 m. Ivan root-tea leaves are covered with a lot of direct. The pointed shape of the leaves. The flowers are pink, rarely White. Ivan-tea, blooming starts at the end of June – beginning of July. Flowers on the buds of fruit offered carpal hairy box.

Fireweed is common in many countries. A plant grows most often in Sandy, peat soils, near to pine forests and bright areas of the forest.

Raw materials harvest begins in the middle of summer. During this time, the plants, the flowers start to appear, but at the same time must completely Chichewa Chichewa . Serves as raw material stalk with leaves and flowers, is rarely the root. Fluffy defective or unacceptable raw materials entering their collection.

The story

Ancient healers believed in a complete healing of all plant. They are dried leaves, stalks, roots, Ivan-tea and flowers. Frayed root vegetables are added to the flour. The bread is delicious and useful output. The same root-the extract was fruit bread, and rich vitamins, mineral substances.

Someone John-I made some tea, and alcoholic beverages. Young shoots, leaves, which was added to the salad, taste the food in order to improve the attributes. One Dimple-old tea produced and the IP fabric. What his power down he's not linen, nor hemp. Police, a pre-collected after flowering, twisted thin, durable yarn. Topics mesh lightweight, warm Tue.

Boiling Ivan-tea

The value of honey beekeepers is very high quality plants. Valuable medicinal properties with honey. In folk medicine, collected various recipes for these unique plants. Research and testing Ivan-tea is a effective male aphrodisiac properties and have shown a positive effect on this plant, cancer (cancer) diseases.

This was recognized in ancient times in Russia this tea thanks to the priests. The monks knew the beneficial properties of Fireweed on the body and how it affects him. They knew when to gather herbs as useful as a blow infusion. That name, "the monastery tea".

The chemical composition of plants

Ivan-tea has many beneficial ingredients why is its medicinal properties. Including the plants that are included in a lot of protein, easily digested. Protein – energy source, so use it to Ivan-tea improves the efficiency. Plant includes:

  • Tannins, polysaccharides and anti-inflammatory action).
  • Mucus (render, coating effect).
  • Vitamins A,B, E, C (Ascorbic acid content is several times higher, minus).
  • Trace elements (magnesium, iron, calcium, potassium, manganese, boron, copper, and other).
  • Flavonoids (in a positive way affecting the cardiovascular system, prevent cancer).
  • Extract.

Useful features, Ivan-tea

Applied to a large number of the Fireweed in the treatment of disease. Promote the normalization of the plant body. Plants there are on the body the following action:

  • increases and strengthens the immune system;
  • toxins and cleanses the body;
  • inflammatory cleaning is a powerful tool that is used with angina;
  • bulge;
  • easy a diuretic;
  • cleans the blood and increases;
  • increases, gastrointestinal (drinking tea, ulcerous diseases and stomach bloating particularly good);
  • why normal endocrine system;
  • tea that helps reduce blood cholesterol;
  • the spirit of people more sustainable external stress factors;
  • talk, with plenty of protein, energy, human advanced life;
  • men Kemal-increases the strength of the tea;
  • acceptance of plant consumption for preventing an enlarged prostate (bph);
  • Ivan-tea cancer, warns the startup form.

Ivan-tea as a tool for power

Men should be taken Ivan-tea:

  • prostatic hypertrophy;
  • chronic prostatitis;
  • acute prostatitis;
  • while reducing power.

The prostate gland, this "second respiratory organ" men are responsible for male mental and emotional health. Issues you the numbers, prostate, a cloud of your life and existence even in the most prosperous, successful man. Therefore living activities and functioning of a gland in the male related health. Usage Ivan-tea on the health of a positive male.

Many doubt may occur, it does affect magnification power plant. However, the studies reviewed, herbal medicine, Fireweed has taken a lot of positive reviews, and gave himself up as a powerful tool for male potency. Hormone increase libido testosterone, which is constantly boiling and is used in the output. The male sexual organs and stimulate the flow of blood increased potency and long-term sexual relationship.

Regular use of Fireweed instead of a positive effect on potency, powerful pharmacological drugs. Thanks flavonoid's increased potency.

Flavonoids substances related to P vitamins. These ingredients contribute to the strengthening of the vein walls, and decreased permeability. As a result, normal blood pressure, improves blood circulation. Like male power, which is required for this, a sufficient amount of blood into the penis.

Confirmed a lot of research, treatment, Fireweed tea is one of the concrete results. Folk healers and drinking water it is recommended to make Ivan-tea to increase the potency.

Tea brewing methods

Increase blood flow to sexual organs and for treatment of the disease needs to know how to brew Ivan-tea right. A few ways boiling and brewing teas.

The first method

While reducing power. The first method is infusion. For this, 1 tablespoon chopped, dried Fireweed leaf Chichewa and poured boiling water (200 ml). Wrap it and let it sit in need of capacity (about an hour). Then filter and drink 50 ml of infusion, before meals, 4 times a day. To get the infusion 1.5 months.

Tincture of Ivan-tea

The second way

50-60 grams of the prepared infusion dry Ivan-tea. This is just a black piece, a plant, but also dust, dried plant roots. Poured boiling water give, stop, until hot. 25 grams consumed 30 minutes before meals 4 times a day.

The third way

Male power tea prepared for. 1 tablespoon fermented Fireweed for this source is taken, poured with boiling water (200 ml) infusion for 10 minutes. Then follow the drainage, drinking water and 70 ml of infusion, 3-4 times per day.

The fourth way

Do Chichewa and leaf decoction and fresh plants. To do this, it is taken, leaves and flowers as fresh plants. Chichewa and leaf tantalized the fire and poured hot water by putting 10 in January, 20 minutes. Then, transfer to cool, 30 minutes before meals with a glass even at the end.

In the formation of the stones, prostate doctors brew Ivan-tea and drink. Pour over 200 ml of hard water and insist 1 tablespoon of plant (5-10 min). A day 2 times a day 1 cup in the morning and in the evening before going to bed half an hour before starting power.


Ivan tincture-tea treat impotence I've found the application of alcohol.

Tincture to cook, Chichewa and get 100 grams of fresh leaf, paul poured liter alcohol or vodka. Tincture must insist in a dark place for two weeks. Consuming 30 grams during a meal. Alcohol improves blood circulation. The enzyme content affects the activity of plant routinely (item, activation, nerve endings, and, therefore, higher anxiety in male).

Many people believe, Ivan-tea and power – the same concepts. Constantly used in tinctures, teas and tinctures one of Fireweed, man gets rid of sexual weakness, this study is developing prostate cancer. Increased potency increases the quality of sexual intercourse. Naturally, all you need is a measure. Initial treatment, you should know infusion, eating, drinking, contraindications.


Power Ivan-tea for male potency

Contraindications specific plants did not occur, but it is possible intolerance. Hypotension it is better to get tool.

Decoctions and tincture and also tea and eating boiled, accumulates in the liver, coumarins (see plant). These substances can stop the liver, therefore the break-down between meals. We must not forget laxative and sedative effects Ivan-tea, therefore, you need to increase the dosage.


Herbal teas and tinctures, and one of Ivan-tea that has been proven to be potency Action Fund. Fireweed patients received, when only positive comments. In ancient times this herb is very popular in Russia, especially sexual weakness. So precious, those parts pulled briquette plants, exports, and its worth was less Fourrures and linen. Today, Ivan-tea is almost the best tool is power. Rasputin believed in Ivan-tea able to increase libido and strengthen erections.